happy halloweenie

tonight is mischief night
growing up we used to tear up the streets of upper providence with toilet paper, soap, and eggs
mrs. turberville always supported the mischievous behaviors and provided some gold dial soap
sometimes the 30th was better than halloween
egg throwing became an outdoor event well beyond mischief night
my aim was right on...i could peg a windshield or a review mirror
i think this led to precise shots on goal while playing lacrosse in high school and college
i have not been in a costume or wig yet this year...not good
no eastern state penitentiary
no goin to the bishop's collar in wigs
nothing spooky
nothing bizarre
i miss my crazy friend nicole
she took halloween very seriously
the above cat candle on my mantle is from her
she moved to virginia
spent sunday with the rents
they are en route to florida today
elmo is not riding shot gun
my mom thought that he may bring too much attention to them while traveling as they want a safe trip south
we watched the eagles yesterday
my dad calls them the boo birds
he decapitated his mcnabb bobble head
so we had a headless donavan atop the flat screen
in other news:
jenny and i have survived our first week
it still feels like a sleepover
we're tasting some reds
haven't agreed on a house red yet
the firestone syrah is too hard to find
as well as the ironberry
simone is adjusting
she hasn't spit at jenny in 2 days
hissing only
we're playing cards...pp c'mon over!
tonight's special: chicken parm, tossed salad
we're watchin some borrowed movies from the library:
1. external sunshine- absolutely terrible
2. footballers wives (first season) -not bad,
the newcomer from italia is a hottie
3. red (foreign film) - haven't watched yet
that's about it...
some november travel plans are in the works