i took cacie to see charlie and the chocolate factory
she really enjoyed it and was giggling under her hoodie jacket
i was disappointed and thought the casting was poor
not a good idea to cast johnny depp (he excites me like jesse)
as the odd, unusual and quirky willy wonka
he looked like edward scissor-hand and sounded like michael jackson
they should have casted someone strange and eccentric like maybe christopher walkin or one of those freaky dudes from reservoir dogs...harvey keitel or steve buscemi
the music was annoying and my girl veruca salt got attacked by squirrels!
they could have been more creative with the chocolate factory
the first scene looked so outdated with fake, plastic mushrooms....like "it's a small world" in disney world
thumbs down on oompa loompas...which was played by one dude deep throat i mean deep roy who was paid like a million bucks....
he looked like my landscaper and didn't fit in with pink lollypops, fluffy cotton candy, and milk chocolate streams
no need to see it on big screen...wait for a 99 cent hollywood video coupon