
my girlfriend carrie and i went to neiman marcus last night for a complimentary facial at chanel
fabulous facial
great skin care products...cleansers, exfoliates, serum, moisturizers
nick the make-up artist attacked me following the facial and turned me into a super model
i could have given that big spookrijder in holland a run for her money
i requested the charcoal, smoky look and it was killer
damage done at chanel= $189
the state surveyors arrived this am for their annual inspection
s t r e s s
huey's bro jim rigby was in today to pick up a body
family dysfunction occurring in my life and i'm getting a roommate
i'm ready for the weekend
It's really all just done with smoke and mirrors isn't it?
I am sincerely jealous, girlie! I need to know everything that you learned at the Chanel mecca..
Don't worry about disfunction-we got your back, honey!
love you and can't wait til tomorrow mojito honey!
You're gettin' a roomie? Good lord. Hope they like Chin Wah, wascally wabbits and walter.
Good luck w/your new roomie! Thanx for the freon, it was a life saver. Love, DLN
Awwww-bro D's comment got me all choked up-he's a sweetie!
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