
i kinda like this juicy couture bathing suit
my dell notebook was in the shop but it's all better now thanks to tommy
i owe him yellow golf balls and long tees
had a super dooper time in florida last weekend...so super that i'm returning for memorial day weekend
f r e q u e n t flyer
lynnie has off again that wknd
hung out in tierra verde for jenny/heddy birthday bash
went out on their boat saturday to shell island and relaxed afterwards in the hot tub
now planning our memorial day cookout...my cool friend scottie the chef is gonna infuse our burgers with blue cheese and grill up some nathans hot doggies
scott has a huge...indian man tattoo on his back
he resembles chief from one flew over the cookoo nest
"put the ball in the basket chief"
hanging in tonight...got some borrowed movies from jojo
incredibles, scarface, ray
i miss simone terribly...she got dropped off weeks ago at my parents for a respite stay
does anyone want to rent my cozy condo?
new discovery this week
Don't mean to be kill-joy, but even I've heard of Craiglist, years ago, and I'm always behind the times. Sorry.
PS - tennis anytime!
damn...years ago?
where've i been
too busy living that jet-set life of yours I guess....
40-luv, advantage Chuck.
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