hump day

it's hump day and i'm not getting humped...(sorry mom)
speaking of inappropriate
i visited my aunt mary and bobba in west chester this wknd (aka aunt muriel and uncle robbie)
my uncle always has jokes...always poor taste, usually racial
bobba: "hey chris, do you know what indecent means?"
me: "ah yea, opposite of decent?"
bobba: "no it means...if it's hard enough, long enough, and in far's indecent"
me: silly grin on my face
bobba: red faced, chuckling away
anyway nice to see them...also got to visit with betty (aka heather) and cj (almost 4 months old)
betty's 18 year old cousin lauren (aka lubby) was visiting from the phillipines so i got to catch up with her
she's in dental school and on summer in the states until june 1
she's boy CrAzY and wants to go out dancing
had a nice easter in bucks county at my sister's...went trout fishing with her kids and caught a small dead frog
mom and dad just arrived home from their journey north...
the snowbirds are in chester county pa...prolly with the heat on
comcast met them at the house for the digital cable/high speed internet hookup
i forgot my new dig camera all wknd while i was out and about...sorry no pics
OH...the chandelier
i didn't get it
some bitch snuck up on me 5pm friday with a higher bid
i was helpless on the blue route traveling home from work
i hope she's happy
i hope it collects a lot of dust
above is the overpriced chloe bag that i liked for about 40 minutes
i'm done with ebay
saving my money for something VERY (LOOK CHUCK CAPS) EXCITING this summer
Lead position has been re-allocated. CNN, it was job to lose and your leadoff hit last night apparently has gotten you out of the doghouse and restored your position on the "pole" so to speak....Nice work.
are you really reading blogs at 5:51am?
you need some tylenol pm
The timer on this site is WAY off, It has me posting blogs at 10 am...thats the morning people! I am not awake at 10 am unless I stayed up from the night before!
Also, CNN I tried to warn you about ebay. It's a great site for certain items, but there is just too much fraud in the designer/name brand merch. auctions.
sorry about the chandelier...the trick is to log in just 12-13 minutes before the auction closes-anything earlier raises the price higher; or just do merchandise that has the option to buy now-we've had luck with that :)
Need to see you soon, sister!! Will you be out this way this weekend? Seeing the folks? Did Comcast come thru?
I'm giving you an "F".
Rewrite this and have it on my desk by Monday morning.
hey...just got an email return from your terrace it changed?
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