what are my peeps doin this weekend?

two things i'm obsessed with this week...
stuffed peeps and ebay
my sister got me fired up on ebay with chloe handbags
she got the "edith" bag in whiskey
i like the "paddington" bag and have been following a few late night auctions
i did find a really cool old crystal chandelier that i bid on...
2days 7hours remaining...
it's a nail biter
i really want it
i'm losing sleep
i need more nyquil
i also found a 4-pack of peeps on ebay for $6.99
i have spring fever
i have been battling an upper respiratory infection for 10 days now
i need to get out this wknd
Let,s go downtown for some cold Coronas!!!!!!!!!
Love the stuffed peeps!! But, I can't help but wonder what you were searching for that led you to stuffed peeps??
my obsession with stuffed peeps originated at the swarthmore cvs $2.99 a plush peep...
who needs more help...the gal searching plush peeps on ebay or selling them on ebay
I know I would NEVER sell my plush peeps on ebay or anywhere else!!
That's alot to pay for some colored-sugar coated marshmallows!! Also, beware the designer merch on ebay. Over 70% of it is fugazi!!!
love the peeps-especially mr. purple...sorry to hear that you are still sickie-wish you were here in AZ-you'd dry up right away...we are totally turning to dust in the wind out here :) Be home Sunday :)
need update on peeps and chandelier!
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