
what did one candle say to the other?
"don't birthdays burn you up?"
today is my birthday
i took the day off and friday to hang out with family and some friends
the official birthday blowout celebration will take place next weekend in key west
i do need to start training this weekend if anyone would like to take me out for some hoegaardens or margaritas
had a nice day at work yesterday...my co-workers know how i feel about cake and awkward office parties so they had bagels/cream cheese at our morning meeting
i got cards, black-eyed susans, a bracelet, and key west book (yes pinF it has a chapter on hurricanes)
i had lunch with my friend stanley
stanley is a resident and we share the same birthday
every year we have ourselves a little birthday party in the resident lounge at work
stanley was born 8/18/22
he is very bright, intelligent, went to purdue and has a phd in chemistry
he taught chemistry at rutgers and up until 2yrs ago was taking to r5 down to uofpenn to volunteer in the lab
he's thin, extremely shy and always wears a long sleeve shirt buttoned to the top
he explained spectroscopy and why the sky is blue...
"air absorbs a larger fraction of red and other colors more so than blue from the sun"
we talked about rainbows and the imaginary person
"roy g. biv" (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
he went on about the index of refraction and did a little experiement with a cup of water and plastic fork
we then switched gears to the topic of movies
stanley enjoys james bond movies and asked if i had seen any
the only james bond movie i have seen is "octopussy" but i couldn't say "pussy" in front of this bright, academic 83 yr. old man
he named a few that i didn't recognize...i got a little nervous thinking he was gonna say "octopussy?" but he didn't...i don't think he's seen the movie or familiar with the amazingly talented but little understood creature... the octopus
we had a delightful birthday celebration
stanley enjoyed his plain chicken cutlet grinder and will be banging on my office door and leaving me notes in about 10 months to schedule another birthday luncheon
WELL - Happy Birthday! (to Stanley too).
Sorry you will miss the bloggers convention held in downtown Media (Everybodys Blogs Hometown) but at least you will be in Key West which should make for a good story.
I'm envisioning something about your $850(price goes up everytime I mention it) bikini getting blown clean off your body in the pending hurricane after you've only been able to wear it for 15 minutes....
Or maybe you just get drunk on Marg's at Jimmy's place like everyone else?
As for the practice this weekend, I'm out, but then again,who are you trying to fool? A veteran such as yourself.......
$850 is my mortgage...my new suit was found on the clearance rack at kop mall...it's fierce
Happy B-Day!!! I'd like to take you out for some tequilla, but I'm flying @ 3:00pm Love, Bro!!
Happy Bday, honey....hoep to see you later today for presents!
love, akjn
Have a great day! It's the most beautiful day of summer! Going to the jewelry party tonight. Let's do something Fri. You are a good and kind sister. Hang in there! I'd like to meet Stanley.
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Happy B Day!! You're like a fine wine, you just keep getting better.
Have a great day.
PinF wouldlike to send kindhearted warm and bubbly Birthday Toast to CNN:
May God grant you many years to live, for sure he must be knowing, the earth has angels all too few and heaven is overflowing...
Happy birthday you vixen...we're always heading in the opposite directions, though one of these days, I'll corner you...and then the fun will begin in earnest. All the best! PaynterinFlorida
...hmmmm, PIF's message is tittilating....what a lovely bday message! :)
FAB seeing u tonight..looking forward to more bellinis & QT over the weekend...love akjn
well at least someone thought so.....
all my bday messages from my special friends were lovely
thank you
i'm off to florida tonight
stories (maybe)and pics (maybe)
to be posted next week
have fun at the slacky's blogger convention in everybody's hometown
Happy Birthday to you and Big Stan
I think you need to introduce Big Stan to Hoegaarden's.
Have a great time in the keys.:-) Get your freak on.
Don Juan
I will miss you so...I should be with you, dammit!
There had better be good food and beverages at the baptism is all I have to say!!
Armand and Jeffe sent their bday greetings to you and wish you a safe trip....luv u jojo
ps-no comment on my PIF comment?
looks like an uninvited girl named KATRINA will be there
isn't she supposed to be walking on sunshine with the waves? Bitch.
I hope it all wroks out...jojo
Hmmm...PinF now returns to the sunshine state, yet he still ponders CNN's birthday silence, wondering if maybe his hurricane forecasting abilities have in some way jinxed the vixen? Hopefully you're OK and had a great time in "my" state.....
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